Marco Gandolfi is currently an Assistant Professor (RTDa) at Università degli Studi di Brescia. He obtained a Bachelor degree cum laude in Mathematics in 2011, a Bachelor degree cum laude in Physics in 2012, and a Master degree cum laude in Physics in 2014. He received his Ph.D. in Science, Physics at KU Leuven University, Belgium. The dissertation concerned the aspects of ultrafast thermomechanics at the nanoscale. The Ph.D. project was joined with Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Brescia, Italy. During the Ph.D., he spent 9 months visiting the FemtoNanoOptics group, Université Lyon 1 (France), to work on a joint research project. He has been Postdoc Researcher at National Research Council, National Institute of Optics (CNR-INO) in Brescia, Italy, from December 2019 to January 2022.
Dr. Gandolfi is currently working on the projects OPTIMIST and he worked for the project OMEN. He contributes to the projects NOMEN, EMIMEO and METAFAST. He is the PI of the research project “Metasurfaces for new generation solar cells”, in the European Union program “FESR o FSE, PON Ricerca e Innovazione 2014-2020 – DM 1062/2021”.
Dr. Gandolfi is responsible of the “opto-thermo-mechanical” subunit.
Dr. Gandolfi is author of 30 peer-reviewed papers and is a referee for several international journals. His research topics covers the optics, the photonics and the opto-thermo-mechanical modeling of nano-objects and nanostructures. Dr. Gandolfi’s h-index is 15 (Scopus, October 2023).
He also serves as Editor for the journal MDPI Optics.